8 Fun Facts about Wurstfest
1. Founded in 1961.
2. The Founder of Wurstfest was Dr. Ed Grist, Veterinarian and Meat Inspector.
3. New Braunfels was believed to have 19 Commercial Sausage Makers in 1961.
4. Attendance went from a few hundred in 1961 to nearly 180,000 in the mid 1970’s.
5. In 1971, 1,564 kegs sold and in 1977 there were 5,864 Kegs sold.
6. In 1961 a sausage plate was $1.25.
7. In 1971 a 12 oz cup of beer cost 35 cents.
8. From 1972 to 2010 the Wurstfest Association has donated $2,050,390.00 to the community.
SOURCE: The First Fifty Years written by Alton Rahe (available to purchase at Sophienburg Museum.)